O que significa gemstone?

O que significa gemstone?

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Dolomite ranges from pure white to brownish-white and sometimes pink-colored. Gemstone quality dolomite can be difficult to find due to their cleavage and low hardness, 3.5-4 on Moh’s scale. They are therefore usually preferred as a collector’s stone.

Andesine Feldspar is a variety of labradorite that has a reddish with traces of green and yellow color; the most valuable color range from red to honey-red.

An opal doublet consists of a slice of conterraneo opal glued to a black backing, which causes the color to become more vibrant.

When you are feeling hopeless, snowflake obsidian can help you regain your courage to persevere, and help you see opportunities you may have overlooked to improve your situation.

Variscite is a relatively rare type of phosphate mineral. High quality specimens are used as gemstones and for carvings. Variscite is colored by traces of chromium.

The most sought after of all natural topaz is called imperial topaz. Its rich golden color with reddish and orange overtones is generally not enhanced by any kind of treatment.

Star sapphire is a sapphire that contains unusual tiny needle-like inclusions. These needles produce a phenomenon called asterism.

Druzy Citrine is small mineral crystals formed inside or on the surface of various type of rock. Layers of pale yellow to deep orange crystals fill cavities in volcanic rock creating this beautiful crystal.

Blue lace agate is ideal for situations where you onyx western know you must speak up and don’t feel confident that you can find the right words. It helps you speak your truth with conviction in a way others can understand.

Precious coral is a species of coral that grows in rocky seabottoms. Coral exhibits a range of warm reddish-pink colors ranging from salmon pink to deep-red.

Legends about this gemstone include stories that allowed the wearer to see into the future. If an emerald was placed under your tongue, you would be forced to reveal the truth and be protected from evil spirits.

It creates pathways that heal by bridging blocks and aiding communication between disparate parts of the self, or between people.

This refined stone is renowned for its physical and spiritual benefits. Aquamarine is helpful for appeasing anxiety, enhancing serenity, and boosting communication.

Bloodstone, also known as heliotrope, is a green gemstone dotted with bright red spots of iron oxide.

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